Hog Roast Wallingford – A World Cup Performance To Be Proud Of

It unfortunately wasn’t to be on Sunday for the Lionesses and the country, but nevertheless we are all of course extremely proud of the England team for taking us all the way to the final and giving us another pulsating performance that had every one of us on the edge of our seat. Congratulations to Spain, commiserations to England, but we know that the Lionesses will be back for the next tournament ready to go and excite once again!

Hog Roast Wallingford Here at Hog Roast Wallingford we have been fortunate enough to catch a lot of the Lionesses’ games during our events with local customers who have put together their own watch events for each match. Since the games have predominantly been late morning, Hog Roast Wallingford has been getting invited out to bring customers a special world cup brunch special to enjoy along with the match, and Sunday was of course again no different with calls coming through in abundance to our local teams all across the country. Knowing it was the big one, Hog Roast Wallingford had a cup final worthy menu and service ready for our customers, complete of course with our magnificent namesake hog roast, some classic English gourmet sausages with roast potatoes, buttered new potatoes, or fries, homemade coleslaw and fresh salads and local greens, and much more.

Though the Lionesses once again did us proud and performed admirably it just wasn’t to be on the day. Still however the English women can hold their heads high that they have once again inspired a generation with sensational performances all throughout this tournament and the last when they did take it all at the Euros last year. Similar goes for our Hog Roast Wallingford teams who have performed their hearts out all tournament bringing customers sensational service and dining so that they could enjoy the tournament comfortably – though we maybe perhaps have not inspired a generation just yet, unless there are new budding caterers in the coming after our services through this tournament and the last!

To the Lionesses: you’ve earned a hog roast dinner anytime with us. To everyone else: we’ll see you all for the next rollercoaster journey at the next tournament!

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